Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Doing homework to play video games to do homework to

I've seen stories about how the pizza-for-reading program is making kids fat. And, you know, the books are making them nerdy. That makes everyone sweaty. So, what if we start giving those book worms video games for performing well in school?

Bring in a report card with an "A" and get 10 percent off any used game. Students can cash in up to 4 A's per semester. In addition, the company will donate 10 percent of the game's retail price to the student's school.
Somehow I think I still would have bombed middle school.

Making a killing

So, this is the first week journalists are allowed to talk about seeing GTA IV in action? If you were holding on Friday, you made about 3 percent on Tuesday. (Markets were closed on monday.) Still, not bad for a hands-off impression. Go ahead and scroll out on the long-term for that stock. What a heart-breaker.